KidHouseProduction - releases a new book!
Kid - a book series by Maya Goldberger
Suitable for every passionate reader! Even for adults!
With a sense of humor, auto-irony, eye for details and good writing skills, a 12-year-old clever girl writes three beautifully constructed stories about childhood daily adventures!
"KID" is the nickname of the main character in Maya Goldberger's first book collection! He could be you, your friend, or your brother! You would recognize the good feelings or the fears that could have been yours or someone who you now!
You may wonder why you should read this book?! I will tell you why:
Laura Bandila - cultural journalist and publisher
Maya Goldberger, 12 years old
You can buy KID at the Waltham Children Bussines Fair, June 22, 2019, Waltham Common, 610 Main Street, Waltham, MA
We are waiting for you between 10 AM - 3 PM
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You can also order the collection online, right now! The price of the entire collection is $5, but each book is only $2.